Friday, May 13, 2011

Don't Read (unless Rainier or Schuller) # 10

It snowed every day now, sometimes only brief flurries the glittering snow crust, sometimes for real, the low whistle of the wind cracking up to a womanish shriek that made the old hotel rock and groan alarmingly even in its deep cradle of snow
Yah, something not about foreshadowing. This is an example of the great use of descriptive language that King utilizes. The sound of the wind seemed to appear as I read.(also being very descriptive with sound, to me, seems to be hardest, and he did it extremely well)

Don't Read ( unless Rainier or Schuller) #9

"Was he a high school?"
-"As a matter of fact, he wasn't"...
"That was your mistake."

This incident was when Jack was talking about Mr.Grady, the guy that killed everyone. But I dint understand why being educated determines if you would kill your family. There have been plenty of educated people that have killed. They weren't all cavemen eating dirt. I feel like he is going to eat his words.(foreshadow)

Don't Read (unless Rainier or Schuller) #8

His dad LOST HIS MARBLED... Mr. Stenger had tried to kill everbody in his family
Eveyones going CRAZY; Grady, Stenger, and maybe Torrance. Again I see the foreshadowing in King's writing.( I dong know why I'm so drawn to foreshadowing and there's slot of it in the book). Like I said before, lots and lots of foreshadowing.

Don't Read (unless Rainier or Schuller) #6

I see a bad moon a-rising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin'
I see bad times today 
Lots and lots of foreshadowing in this book. Stephen King, all throughout this book, uses forshadowing to give the story an hint of suspense. Ad the reader, I know that somrhomg bad is going to happen. I'm just left fliping page and page to find out what will happen.

Don't Read (unless Rainier or Schuller) #5

He had been to Room 217 by a morbid kind of curiosity.
Morbid curiosity is the best type of curiosity. But I'm not zoo sure whats morbid about staring at a room. Maybe it's the warning from Hallorann, that gave it an ominous feel. On the outside this room wouldn't be important, but there is something foreboding about the room, that I feel will come into play in the later.

Don't Read (unless Rainier or Schuller) #3

Well, when she was watching him, she was thinking she would sure to get into his pants and I just wondered why-
This shows Danny's character, very young. He has the curiosity of any other five year old, if not more. But, with the shining , Danny places himself in mature situations that he is to young for. Also it made me ROFL!

Don't Read (unless Rainier or Schuller) #7

We'll stay. And everything will be fine. Just fine.
This will be the nail in there coffin. Once Wendy uttered these words, it was made certain to me that something bad will happen to the. Also, at least in my head, it was said in a foreboding tone. Things are not fine.